Welsh Language Drama
A week or so back The Guardian ran a piece about the growth in the importance of Welsh language drama on our TV screens.
This article highlights a wonderful development, even if hard fought and over too long a time. It is one that SSi feels can really help longer-term language uptake of the Welsh language. So much so, we have been advising a Welsh production company, Triongl, who are experts in bilingual productions, Triongl used the first season of their show Y Golau (The Light in the Hall), to map the production processes, determine efficiency improvements and assess cast & crew needs for multilingual productions.
Then we worked with this knowledge to jointly scope out TriSSI, a digital tool to support cast and crew working on bilingual productions with a specific focus on back-to-back content.
The TriSSi platform will support actors working bilingually, encouraging those lacking linguistic confidence, at the same time as allowing the crew to film efficiently, correctly and consistently in multiple languages.
There is still a long way to go but we hope that TriSSi and all the positive developments around Welsh language TV productions will only increase their growth and importance further.
Nick Prichard