Rhys O

My story – I’ve been in Wales most of my life (born and raised, for the most part, here), primarily in the North East, where the language isn’t (or wasn’t) a priority as I saw it – I got an ‘E’ at ...

Phil F

Helo Bawb! I don’t have any Welsh heritage myself (that I’m aware of) and live far away in the US. However, some of my favorite stories have featured Wales/Welsh, such as Dark is Rising, Prydain, Lord of the Rings, ...

Eric – The Trucker!

Helo Bawb. Hi Everyone. My story is probably a bit dull to most folks here, but I simply love Wales. I’m a 54 year old English bloke that Ancestry tells me My DNA is 2% Welsh… Hahahaha I first visted Anglesey in ...

Mike M

I grew up in an English speaking part of south Wales, and was never aware of the Welsh language. Now well into retirement I started learning Welsh via learnWelsh.cymru. I started doing this to reclaim both my Welsh ...

Kaaro L

Hi! I am a polish national, who has lived in Manchester for the last 11 years. Following Pandemic and Brexit we were on the brink of moving back to the formal EU. Me and my partner had been going to Anglesey more and ...

Philip-Jonathan V

After 23 years I took a DNA test through Ancestry which led me to find out who my real dad was. We connected and started talking a lot. I saw that I had Welsh ancestry as my grandmother was Welsh. Through ancestry I ...

Brian B

Dw i’n trio dysgu Cymraeg achos … I want to keep a connection with North Wales, as I stayed for 2 weeks every summer as a child with my Grandparents and Aunt in Abergele. They were English speakers, but I was always ...

Gareth H.

I’ve started learning Welsh in January (as a New Year’s resolution), mainly as my grandparents are Welsh, and to keep a bit of Welsh heritage in my family. For my sins I’m learning through Duolingo, which works ...

Chris M.

Although my grandmother (who died when I was five so I only met her a handful of times) was born in Newport, Gwent, I was born and have lived in England virtually all my life. The sole exception was when I did a ...

Mark S.

Hi, I first downloaded the original lessons years ago, years and years, after seeing the course advertised when I was on holiday near Caernarfon. Can’t remember where I saw the flyer though. I had a Welsh neighbour, ...


There’s a thing about growing up white in America. The philosophy of American whiteness, in addition to causing a great many more overt problems, sort of flattens culture, removes all modifiers of identity down to one ...

Bill E.

Hello. I’m new here and keen to learn Welsh – again. I spent my seven years of secondary education in Tywyn. I have an O-Level in Welsh (for English speakers) from 1973. A very long time ago. My ‘Welshness’ ...