Experts in supporting Welsh learning in the workplace

Providing successful support for people learning Welsh within your organisation can be challenging. Tutors are expensive, groups are a headache to organise, and monitoring progress is even more of a hassle!

SaySomethingin has created an online Welsh learning system that leads to fast, simple and reasonable learning for people in your organisation, whether that is developing a basic understanding of the Welsh language, or giving them the confidence to chat.

We call our system “AutoMagic Welsh Tutor” which is our most recent and progressive way of learning Welsh, which is equivalent to having a personal tutor teaching you.

All you need to do is create a Manager Account for your organisation so you can add and manage as many learners as you want, keep track of the progress of all your learners and see at a glance who is participating and who isn’t .

How to get started?

Creating a Manager Account for your organization is free and fast. Once set up you can start adding as many learners as you want.

The price for each learner is £120 (+VAT) per year and your organization pays one bill for all your learners.

All learners have 24/7 access to our AutoMagic Welsh Tutor and the system adapts to their current level and strengths and weaknesses to help them progress at the right pace.

AutoMagic leads to a rapid increase in oral confidence and in a surprisingly short period of time (10 minutes a day will go beyond GCSE level in less than a year).

Create your manager account today

Once you’ve signed up with us, you’ll be in good company.

Because we get results and save significant costs, we have provided learning solutions for a long list of organizations. In recent years we have provided for the Welsh Government, the National Welsh Learning Centre, English medium schools in Wales (in partnership with the Welsh Government), S4C, TUC Cymru, Tai Wales & West Housing, Welsh Water, Audit Wales and many more . A full list is at the bottom of this page.

Need to learn Welsh in a hurry?

If you have senior staff who need to learn as soon as possible, you might want to have a look at our Center of Excellence for Accelerated Welsh (in partnership with the National Welsh Learning Centre, Nant Gwrtheyrn, Cardiff College, Cardiff University and S4C).

Centre of Excellence for Accelerated Welsh.

If you’re still looking for reassurance that our teaching methods work, take a look at some of our Trustpilot reviews:

Our portfolio to date

We have also provided intensive training for the TV series ‘Iaith ar Daith’ on S4C, working one-to-one with Carol Vorderman, Scott Quinnell, Ruth Jones, Colin Jackson, Adrian Chiles, Joanna Scanlan, Rakie Ayola, Steve Backshall, Chris Coleman, Kiri Pritchard-Mclean, Rev Kate Bottley, James Hook, Adam Jones, Richard Parks, Katie Owen, Joe Ledley, Jessica Hynes, Amy Dowden, Mike Bubbins, Amanda Henderson, Neet Mohan, Jayde Adams, and Aleighcia Scott.

We were even shortlisted for a BAFTA Cymru award (although that had quite a bit more to do with the people who filmed, directed and produced the series!).

Here’s a full list of organisations we’ve provided for:

Aneurin Bevan UHB, Saint Padarn’s Institute (Church in Wales), Barcud, Boom (TV production companies), Merthyr Tudful College, the Royal Commission on Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales, the Communication Workers Union, Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB, Natural Resources Wales, Torfaen County Borough Council, Scouts Môn, Carmarthenshire Council, Data Cymru, Dŵr Cymru, Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service, North Wales Fire and Rescue Service, Head4Arts, Hywel Dda UHB, Digital Health and Care Wales, NEU Cymru, Pembrokeshire County Council, Wales Audit Office, TUC Cymru, Unite the Union, USDAW, Wales & West Housing Association, Ysgol Aberconwy, Ysgol David Hughes, Welsh government, National Centre for Learning Welsh, Cardiff and Vale College, S4C.