Welsh Course Development in Sri Lanka
We are really happy that some course development films we posted were picked up by Nation Cymru last week.
Welsh is core to all that SaySomethingin does, but we realise that our methodology is suited to all languages. We have a long-term goal of creating courses for every language, especially indigenous or endangered ones.
To this end, we are developing some pilot projects in Sri Lanka to help Tamil and Sinhala speakers learn each other’s languages and English.
We are working closely with an amazing locally-based charity called The Tea Leaf Trust, (https://tealeaftrust.com,) to train rural people to become teachers of our methodology so that they can help themselves become more self-sufficient whilst boosting their community’s overall employability at the same time.
To introduce the power of our methodology in our “Anyone Can Teach” programme, we teach Welsh, a totally new language to the pupils.
Imagine our delight when after an hour we have a room full of Sri Lankans speaking Welsh!
Check out the films and Nation Cymru article below:
Nick Prichard